Alec Figuracion


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Alec [b. 1992] is a graphic designer + filmmaker who loves to tell stories and is exploring the many different ways he could tell one. He holds an MFA in Graphic Design from Rhode Island School of Design [2024].


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Sometimes I Feel Like Walking

What does it mean to take a walk in our digital landscapes, specifically web mapping platforms such as Google Street View? What tensions arise between the murkiness of our personal constructions of a place and the resolution of the panoramic digital map; between our eye-level perception of the world and the view of it from above?

Sometimes I Feel Like Walking is part video essay and part counter-map of a hometown. Using archival footage, images and text superimposed on a Google Street View walkthrough, this film tells a brief biography of a place framed through the lens of the personal narrative. By excavating recollections and disorientations from within a tool used to survey and objectify, this work — or this walk — aims to present an uncertain, fragmented and hazy personal cartography of a home against the fidelity of our maps, digital or otherwise.

It is said that every time a memory is recalled, it changes. How can we reconstruct and rewrite our memories of a place within the narratives imposed by some sort of power and system? How do we reclaim our complex and ever-evolving notions of a home from the exactness of our maps?

GRAD THESIS I ︎︎︎ FALL 2023 ︎︎︎ RISD